In spring 2011, with the support of Dr. Michael Doncheski, director of Academic Affairs (DAA), and Tim Radio, former programs coordinator of the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), the Penn State Mont Alto Academic Advising Council (MAAC) was formed. The University as a whole has the University Advising Council (UAC) , and campuses have been encouraged to create their own council to address “local” topics under the direction of their campus' DAAs and DUS coordinators. It is our hope that the MAAC will grow to become, among other things, a group that values quality academic advising and works to foster a campus climate/culture that does the same and that the campus looks to for guidance on addressing academic advising-related issues.
- Dr. Michael Doncheski, Director of Academic Affairs [convener]
- Sophia McCleaf, Advising Manager
- Kelly Lesher, Academic Adviser
- Antonia Spedden, Student Aid Coordinator [ex officio]
- Student Government Representative
- Faculty Representative
MAAC Adviser Resources
Direct questions to Michael Doncheski, Director of Academic Affairs.